50 terrorists killed, 122 arrested in one week

 50 terrorists killed, 122 arrested in one week 

The Defence Headquarters issued a directive on Friday, urging bandits and criminal elements causing havoc in the nation to surrender to the troops or face destruction.

The DHQ emphasized that the military would persist in applying robust pressure on the terrorists, akin to ongoing operations in various theaters.

Maj. Gen. Buba Edward, the Director of Defence Media Operation, conveyed this in a statement obtained ,asserting the armed forces' commitment to sustained military pressure, resulting in significant actions witnessed throughout the week.

The statement highlighted the termination of at least 50 terrorists, the apprehension of 122, and the arrest of 49 individuals involved in oil theft.

Additionally, the troops successfully rescued 182 kidnapped hostages, and the South-South region saw the recovery of crude products valued at N128 million from oil thieves.

Maj. Gen. Buba emphasized that the terrorists and their associates would continue facing severe consequences, urging them to surrender, as observed in the Northeast, to avoid inevitable destruction.


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